Chrome offers a consistent experience across multiple platforms with well-optimized apps with many of us already using the browser and our Google account on our Android phones, it makes a lot of sense to stick with the browser on our PCs as well. Still, many of us have spent years using Google’s web browser and have become accustomed to its design and features. These steps can be used to switch to any other web browser on Windows 11. It’s also worth noting that there are plenty of other web browsers to choose from such as Firefox or Vivaldi that offer different layouts that may work better for you. If you’re just looking for synchronization features and like everything else about Edge, you can stick with it. You can even install the Linux app on a Chromebook. It’s also worth noting that Edge features many of Chrome’s synchronization features with builds available on Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS. Microsoft goes out of its way to convince people to at least try its new web browser and to its credit, Microsoft has made a very nice web browser. There are some other options for files like an SVG graphics file. Google Chrome is a web browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the Web faster, safer, and easier.

You can change this to Chrome or another PDF reader. We have a fix for this in testing internally its just waiting for code review and should hopefully be available this week :) The issue is that the first time Chrome launches after installation, if a desktop shortcut isnt present, it will create one, but by that time ScriptRunner has already stopped running, so its out of its control. PDF files for example may still be set to open in Edge.

Before leaving this page, check some of the other file types below.